One Minute Farm

Hey, I got something for you. It's a farming game with a twist. You "manage" your very little farm and complete orders to pay your debts. BUT! You must do all your daily tasks within a minute. If the minute is over, the next day begins and you repeat your daily routines.


  • Plant crops, water them daily and harvest them after some days.
  • Feed your chicken and harvest an egg everyday.
  • Fulfill orders to earn money so you can pay your debts.
  • If you have payed your debts you can continue playing to furnish your farm house a little bit.

Nearly all graphic assets are made by Butter Mlik. If you like her amazing work too, please support her.

The soundtrack is made by Wossogsd. Make sure to follow him too if you like his work.

Made withGodot
Tags2D, Pixel Art


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(1 edit)

One minute to do farming? Sign me up! Fortunately the paycheck is there as well.

Cute little game. Well done.